Monday, August 5, 2013

It's a rough day in the neighborhood

Oh the balancing game of life. As a mother, it feels like I am up against unmountable odds. Wife. Mother. Student. Business owner. Me. How long does it take to learn how to balance everything without putting your own needs last? Is that what being a wife and a mother means? You are last? What you want is less important?

This week my husband and daughter are at our annual family beach week in Bethany Beach, DE while I stay at home for my last two weeks of my college course. I'm retaking this class. Last fall was supposed to be my last then over break I realized I had one more class together. Loan payments being due, I decided to work and attend class. So, during the spring I signed up and gave it a go.

Boy I have to give it to all the single moms out there, because I couldn't hack it. My husband was gone the first two months and my mother helped by watching my daughter when daycare ended and my class was still going on. With only a few hours a night to cook, shower and study, I couldn't keep up. So, here I am retaking this class so I can graduate and put 11 years of college to an end. The irony is I'm still struggling and in danger of not passing. I don't want to put my family through any more stress because of it. Please say a little prayer for me to have the ability to retain this stuff. I have an exam Tuesday. I really need to do well to keep me in a position to pass. Lord help me.

So, needless to say, that is why I haven't written a blog post in a while. However, I do have some good stuff brewin'. Thanks to my wondering fabric merchant Stitch Stash Diva, I will be featuring a tutorial later this month on how to upcylcle tires into ottomans. You may have see them on Pinterest, but I am going to shine a new light on the project. Until then...

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