Monday, August 26, 2013

Just what I needed to hear

I have a pretty large family and when you add in my husband's side, its like a small town. haha One of my favorite things about having such a large family is having all the wisdom of its matriarchs and patriarchs at your disposal.  

My husband's aunt posted this to her Facebook tonight and, for me, her timing couldn't have be more perfect. 

"Living a life in Christ 

Do you struggle with trying to "keep it all together" in the midst of life's hectic pace? Genuine happiness and contentment don't come from achieving perfect "balance." They come from knowing how to make your expectations fit your circumstances—and focusing on the bigger picture.

Jesus doesn't necessarily promise us perfect "balance." But He does offer us peace. His peace is the peace of knowing that He has our situation in hand (John 16:33). Come what may, His love for us will never change (Habakkuk 3:17-19; Philippians 4:7). Our God is the God of peace and not of confusion or disorder (I Corinthians 14:33). Because of this, we can know peace by disciplining ourselves to walk with Him. It's a matter of learning to discern His voice and partnering with Him as we make our plans, confront our daily challenges, and establish our priorities for living.

As you identify what matters most to you—and to the Lord—you'll eliminate non-essential demands and gain a sense of focus and purpose. Remember that life in Christ isn't about being "Supermom," "Superdad" or "Super-Christian." It's a question of learning how to channel your time and energy into the fulfillment of your own unique God-given calling—and thriving in it. (from Focus on the Family)" 

--Irene D.

As a young mom and wife I constantly struggle to find the balance of those roles with my own desires and needs. There is a lot of public pressure to be perfect and do things that would label you as a "Supermom". It is easy to get wrapped up in that the world has to offer and forget about what really matters.

I am currently trying to bring in a child (to nanny) so I can afford to stay home with my daughter. It is really hard in our culture to live in the city as a one-income household, but this is something really important to our family. It is our strong belief that if we wanted to bring a life into this world that we should be the ones that raise that life...not daycare. I'm not dogging on daycare. I used it while I finished my college degree....just last week. Whoopie! I digress. 

God blessed me with my daughter and it was difficult to have her. So I feel it is my duty to raise her, which is part of the reason I am working so hard to get my Etsy business going.

So, if you haven't done it recently. I urge you to take a moment out of the day and have a conversation with someone older than you in your direct or extended family. You might might be surprised of what you didn't know or needed to be reminded of.

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